
Explain The Ideals Of The Declaration Of Independence

Decent Essays

Ideals of the Declaration of Independence In order to understand the Declaration of Independence, it is necessary to review the actions that took place before the Revolutionary War. Before the Declaration of Independence, the British levied taxes in order to pay the debt piled from the French and Indian War. The colonist who were paying those taxes believed it was unfair to tax without representation. The colonists argued and stated conditions which were then written in an official document. The aspects of equality, right to revolt or abolish, consent of the governed, right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, were reviewed with great thought. However, there are some ideals written in the Declaration of Independence that are more valuable than others. Therefore, the most important ideal written in the document is the right to revolt or abolish. After the Revolutionary war, many countries were influenced by the Declaration of Independence. During the year of 1989, protesters and students from a Chinese university crowded Tiananmen Square in Beijing. The group protested against the corruption of government and demanded a change to democracy. Unfortunately, the group was suppressed and the protest ended in tragedy, about 3,000 people were …show more content…

Every ideal had a powerful influence on many people and changed the perspectives of many people as well. The ideals of the Declaration of Independence are still widely used in the U.S. Thousands of citizens today, have begun to protest many decisions made by the president which they feel are unjust and unconstitutional. The right to revolt or abolish is still present in the U.S. today. The ideals of the Declaration of Independence continue to be respected and valued as time

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