
Examples Of The Greatest Entertainment

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America’s Greatest Entertainment

America today is a world completely driven by entertainment. Our lives are surrounded by it each and every day. Entertainment could be anything from TV, movies, music, social media and the internet to skydiving, mini-golfing and paintball. Since there is so many different forms of entertainment, and the want for it is so demanding, competitors are always trying to find a way to one up one another. One classic form of entertainment that seems to be bringing people back to play, is laser tag. Many different entertainment places offer laser tag but two seem to outshine the rest, Laser Quest and Main Event. Laser Quest has a futuristic arena that is unmatched. They are in ownership of the best equipment. …show more content…

Laser quest gives you the ability to select you very own codename. This codename could be anything from your real name to your favorite superhero. This codename is tied to whichever pack you select and adds to the fun and entertainment of laser tag. At Main Event, all of the names are preselected and assigned limiting your imagination and creativity. After a quick game of laser tag at Main Event you are left with a leaderboard of all the scores of the last mission, you get to see how you ranked amongst opponents which can either be quite satisfying or, depending on how you did, disappointing. At Laser Quest, you are offered that same opportunity, but not only that, everyone receives a personalized scorecard that lets them know how they did. This scorecard shows everyone that you tagged, everyone that tagged you, where exactly you tagged or were tagged, and how many lasers you fired. Laser Quest has the best equipment around and blows Main Event out of the water. Laser Quest creates a sense of competitiveness while maintaining a safe environment. Laser Quest has its own rewards program. You register your account with your codename and it ranks you across not only the people at Laser Quest but it ranks you against questors across the world. People are constantly battling their way to the very top. Laser Quest seems to be all fun and games but they actually host professional laser

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