
Examples Of Conspiracy Theories

Decent Essays

Conspiracy theories something that has been happening for years and years, they are widely known for making people think, for people going crazy. The definition of conspiracy theories according to the dictionary are the belief an organization or a person is responsible for an event. The definition to me would be rumors that are told that are never known if they are true or false. A concept of a conspiracy theory to me I believe that it started with just rumors then someone would blame someone then it would just blow up more and more. This meaning that whoever the conspiracy theory is about then they are getting more publicity for everyone talking about the truth or the lie. As the years have gone on it has been worse with almost anything and everything that happens in the world is now a conspiracy theory. The media take a big part in what happens with conspiracy theories with them blowing them way out of proportion even if they seem completely wrong in the …show more content…

This article applies to this concept because it is talking about how the inside reason that they let launched a bomb for multiple actions. With the way that conspiracy theories work is that people say a lot of things that they think are the reasons for other people's actions. So this article is part of conspiracy theories because there are multiple reasons why people think that they did this action. One of the first reasons that are started in the article is that Salon questioned Mr. Trump’s giving Russia advance notice of the airstrike. To me, I understood this as the whole big conspiracy theory that Trump is working with Russia and wanted to warn them before Trump does anything major. This article states the conspiracy theory then says if it is really wrong or not, at the end of this one it states that there is no evidence about it, in conclusion, this would be part of a conspiracy

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