
Examples Of Conservatism

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In The United States of America there are two prominent forms of political ideologies which is conservatism and liberalism. Conservatism beliefs revolve around limited governments, free markets, personal responsibility, a strong national defense and traditional American beliefs. People who identify as being a liberal believe in achieving equal rights as well as opportunities for all American citizens. Liberals believe that it is the government's responsibility to protect human rights. Liberals and Conservatives clash on many relevant topics in America that still yet to have come to a conclusion. These topics consist of, but are not limited to abortion rights, affirmative action, death penalty, the economy, education, global warming, health care, and gun control. …show more content…

W. Bush being either a conservative or liberal. However there is evidence showing that Bush was in fact a conservative. A reason for this is that according to the text “41: Inside The Presidency of George H. W. Bush”, there is no record of Bush showing support for abortion (Nelson, pg 40). Even though this does necessarily prove that Bush is against abortion, it also proves that he did not support it either. It was also speculated that when it came to the market Bush’s conservatism was “pure”, because he believed in it. Bush also felt that there wasn’t a huge role for government. According to the, Bush had a “conservative nature and was uncomfortable with bold, dramatic change, preferring stability and calm”. These claims of Bush being a conservative is not surprising considering that republicans are mainly conservatives. Though being a republican doesn’t automatically constitute someone to have conservative beliefs, the two are very closely

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