
Examples Of Authority In The Tempest

Decent Essays

One of the main themes of The Tempest deals with the fragility of authority in the face of a dire situation. A person of high status could lose it all when confronted with danger, and treachery. One example of authority lost is found in the beginning of The Tempest. Gonzalo is powerless to stop the downgrade of his position from the lower-ranked Boatswain. His tactless remarks doesn’t go unnoticed as Gonzalo and the other nobles insult him and attempt to remind him of his lower level. However, the men soon learn that the social pyramid means nothing to fate. At first, the Boatswain understands his position on the boat, as he follows his master orders to give a prep talk to the sailors. He even addressed Alonso in a respectable manner, “I pray now, keep …show more content…

At the moment, the storm is on top of the social pyramid, ruling everything. Gonzalo takes the Boatswain disrespect surprisingly well. He even views it as encouragement, “I have great comfort from this fellow.” He thinks it isn’t ideal for the Boatswain to die by this storm. He believes his fate is to die in the gallows, as he speaks and acts like a criminal. “Methinks he hath no drowning mark upon him. His complexion is perfect gallows. Stand fast, good Fate, to his hanging.” Gonzalo truly believes that the Boatswain’s destiny is to die by the gallows. This is beneficial for him, because if the Boatswain’s death is halted until that day, it would mean nobody will die. In order for him to be sentenced to death for his crimes, he has to make it home first. Everybody else will be saved by association, as the Boatswain is the one commanding the ship, “Make the rope of his destiny our cable, for our own doth little advantage. If he be not born to be hanged, our case is miserable.” Gonzalo decides to willingly give up his supremacy in order to survive. Gonzalo and the other leave the Boatswain to his work. They reappear again shortly after. The Boatswain is displeasured by their appearance. He insults and

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