
Examples Of Allusions In 'In The House On Mango Street'

Satisfactory Essays

Main Ideas: - Writers often quote scripture - Authors seek titles for the work in the bible - Situations and quotations are also common - Poetry is full of scripture - Allusions to biblical sources are used to illustrate a disruption or inconsistency - Ironic parallels are light and comic in their outcome and not likely to offend - Biblical dimension adds depth to the story - Readers are supposed to pick up on the allusions - Allusions are not always straightforward - Common biblical symbolism: o Garden o Serpent o Flood o Loaves of bread o 40 days o Prodigal son o Plague o Tongues of flames o Fish o Denial o Betrayal Connection: In the House on Mango Street, Esperanza visits the Monkey Garden. To her the garden is a safe,

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