
Evolutionary Concepts Activity 6 Essay

Decent Essays

Evolutionary Concepts Activity 6 1. Evolutionary theory describes how populations change over time due to changes in the gene pool. There are several mechanisms that can change a gene pool and allow evolution to occur. Natural selection, mutation, gene flow and genetic drift are some of the driving forces behind evolutionary change. Natural selection and genetic drift are the mechanisms that decrease genetic variation, whereas gene flow and mutation are the driving mechanism to increase genetic variation. Natural selection is basically the understanding that the environment can not support unlimited population growth, and not all organisms are able to reproduce to their full potential due to trait variation. For example, a black fly may …show more content…

2. Allopatric speciation occurs due to a geographic isolation process such as when a pond might dry up and create two ponds, a flood, a river is re-routed, or a bird carries seeds in its feathers and drops the seeds in new location during the birds migration. The species of the previous geographic location also become reproductively isolated. The population then becomes two separate populations and begins to change over time due to changes in the gene pool, environments, natural selection and mutations. With this understanding it is possible to see that plate tectonics theory and continental drift theory possibly resulted in allopatric speciation.
Continental drift was a theory offered by Alfred Wegener in 1912 that hypothesized that all the continents at one time fit together as one land mass. Wegener, explained that the ends of each continent could fit together like a puzzle and that over time the continents drifted apart. "The model explained why the same types of fossils occur in sedimentary rock on both sides of the vast Atlantic Ocean" (Star, 2008, pg. 250), in other words allopatric speciation. Wegener's theory did not have a supporting geological mechanism. Many years later and advances in technology brought about the plate tectonics theory. Essentially it says: the earth surface is covered by a series of crustal plates the ocean floors are continually moving, spreading from the

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