
Evil In The Consolation Of Philosophy By Boethius

Decent Essays

When I think of the concept of “evil,” I think of The Consolation of Philosophy by Boethius. In The Consolation of Philosophy, Lady Philosophy stated:
“It is enough to have understood only that God, the Creator of all things in nature, also governs all things, directing them to good. And, since He carefully preserves everything which He made in his own likeness, He excludes by fatal necessity all evil from the bounds of his state. Therefore, if you fix your attention to Providence as the governor of all things, you will find that the evil which is thought to abound in the world is really nonexistent.” Book 4; Prose 6
Lady Philosophy is stating that evil does not actually exist, and God would not create evil because it is unnatural. Rather, evil people seek happiness in misguided ways. Therefore, “evil” is actually confusion. This ties well with Descartes explanation of why we error. Descartes states that humans make mistakes because we exist between God and nothingness. We have the ability to make mistakes because we are not perfect like God, we participate in nothingness, and use our free will. This could be used to argue for the why there is evil. God did not create evilness, and humans do not seek to be evil. We perceive people to be evil because …show more content…

Many of the choices we make, using our free will, lead to suffering. We participate in risky behavior, without thinking of the consequences. For example, people that smoke have greater chances of developing health problem (e.g., cancer), which results in pain and suffering. This type of suffering is caused by our errors and mistakes. Many of the choice we make have consequences, but is it is impossible to live in a way in which we do not take risks. Furthermore, God's existence comes from intellect and not the sense, but suffering is felt through through our senses, whether it be external or internal pain. Suffering is adventitious and not

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