
Everyone Is Affected By A. S. D Essay

Decent Essays

What is important for people to understand about Autism? Most people who know someone with A.S.D try their hardest to help them and still be a good friend. A couple things people should understand about A.S.D is that everyone is affected differently by A.S.D, A.S.D isn’t a bad thing, and people with A.S.D Autism affects people in many different ways. First, There are multiple levels of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Some people are affected by A.S.D ( Autism Spectrum Disorder) differently. Some have more trouble with understanding than others. “A kid's symptoms could be very mild, severe, or somewhere in the middle. Someone with mild symptoms might need only a little bit of help. But a kid with severe symptoms might need a lot of help with learning and doing everyday stuff” (Source 3). Next, “People with autism may struggle with speaking, expressing their emotions, and understanding the emotions of others. Some people with autism have extreme sensitivities to sound or touch” (Source 2) A.S.D affects everyone differently, no one with A.S.D is exactly the same. …show more content…

First, A.S.D is a disorder not a virus. A.S.D is not a contagious plague you can catch, A.S.D is a development condition/disorder you are born with. “ What doctors do know is that autism is a developmental condition marked by a range of communication, social, and behavioral challenges” (Source 2). In addition, A.S.D doesn’t make the person. People with A.S.D aren’t defined by their disorder. Connor, even though he has A.S.D, achieved a lot in school. He was just being himself and not trying to hide it. “I started playing the trumpet and running track. In 8th grade, I even became student council president” (Source

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