
Ethics Of Child Soldiers

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The question of whether or when to engage child soldiers on the battlefield is morally compelling in its inherent contradiction. Just war theory and the principle of noncombatant immunity draw distinctions within a population  certain individuals are to be protected from the horror of war. This protection of non-combatants is quite specific in international law, but anyone who bears arms is a combatant. Legally, if child soldiers are members of a state military, they are lawful combatants, and if they are members of a rebel group, they are unlawful combatants.1 Regardless, they are to be treated by conventional soldiers in the same manner as an adult fighter, and in the context of this case study, the rules of engagement clearly state that …show more content…

Children do not have the same responsibilities in society as adults. They cannot vote, drink or drive. And, of course, they are not punished in the same way as adults for crimes they commit, because they are judged not to possess the moral foundation and grounding that would allow them to understand fully the consequences of their actions. Child soldiers are distinct from other armed forces because they are both minors and not complicit in their fate.3 The reality of a child soldier’s life is far removed from that of a normal child. As many as 40 percent of child soldiers are recruited by force, and most others cite hunger, poverty and desperation of life in conflict zones as their reason for joining.4 Fewer than 10 percent are ever paid.5 Their corrupted childhood development precludes any ability for moral judgment. In short, they are not only as ‘innocent’ as any well-fed, first world child, but child soldiers have been removed from their agency. We can envision a scenario in which the ‘correct’ moral judgment would be to sacrifice the life of an adult in favor of the life of a child. The question becomes whether a child’s ‘innocence’ and lack of agency overrides the right of combat troops or peacekeepers to self-defense in this

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