
Ethical Issues in Modern Medicine

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Ethical Issues in Modern Medicine Introduction When it comes to the Guatemalan syphilis experiment and the Tuskegee experiment both were two unique experiments. Recently, the United States apologized last year for the experiment, done in Tuskegee which was meant to test the drug penicillin. However, Two years before that, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius made an apology for the experiment conducted in Guatemala. With that said, the researcher rejects the case that a utilitarian could make the case that the Guatemalan syphilis study was more ethically defensible than the Tuskegee study, because the Guatemalan study had greater potential to lead to useful medical knowledge that could save many lives, while the Tuskegee study did not have any such potential (Bonnie Steinbock, 2005). I believe that neither experiment was for medical knowledge or served and medicinal purpose and that What is a Utilitarian? Basically, in defining the perspective of a utilitarian focuses on the concerns that actions or policies could possibly have on the good fortune ("utility") of all persons directly or indirectly affected by the policy or action. The standard makes the following point: "Of any two actions, the most ethical one will produce the greatest balance of benefits over harms." (Bonnie Steinbock, 2005) Many would probably look at it as a way of taking advantage of happiness and plummeting suffering The Tuskegee Study The Tuskegee Syphilis Study

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