
Ethical Codes In Human Service

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The ethical codes I have chosen to review are the National Organization of Human Services (NOHS) codes because they are most appropriate for what I am studying. The ethical code, that is provided by the NOHS, is very important to know and understand. As a human service major, I consider the code of ethics to be part of my life in ethical decision making. They protect the rights of the client and the worker. They create guidelines, in which you should follow for standards of practice. In the human service field, my job may be to assess a client’s needs or create a treatment plan. During which time, there must be certain behaviors and needs that are brought to a client, by me. The standards are put in place to make sure everyone is treated fairly …show more content…

The client will need to build on their own strengths and for me to recognize what those strengths are. If it is possible I would like to empower them with what is supposed to be theirs. I would like to support them and guide them in their efforts to change (Ivey et al., 2013, p.38). Without me identifying what these strengths are, I wouldn’t be much assistance or help. To show and have respect for a client should not just be followed in the code but in life, as well. You should show others the same respect that you would want. In relationship to my client, I must be aware of all cultural and ethical beliefs held by the client, to show respect and dignity to them. The code also requires me to show respect while also upholding the unbalance of power. It is also my responsibility to protect the integrity and confidentiality of a client to the community while assisting a client. I need to learn to be aware of my client and their needs. I need to understand their background and my knowledge of it word (Ivey, Ivey, & Zalaquett, 2013, p. 33). As a professional, I would never exploit and always protect a client’s privacy and rights except when harm shall come to their self of others. Not to identify this, would be a serious disaster. The responsibility to a client is very important to know and understand. To act in an unprofessional manner wouldn’t look good on you or the company you work for (Blevins, …show more content…

To assist a client and guide them is ultimately up to me. It is required that I act with integrity and follow all laws. There will be no black and white while assisting a client. There will be a lot of grey areas. As an undergraduate, I will learn as much as I can. Later, I will be able to guide a client and assure to make careful choices. If I am unsure of something or it is out of my skill set, I should go to someone how has acquired these skills for guidance and support. The code should not only be used for your profession or job, it should become your lifestyle. It is my responsibility to my community and to a client, as an individual. I believe it is very important for me to know and to stay inside my scope of knowledge. If I were to give guidance to someone that was not in my skill set, I may harm them or someone else, unintentionally. I feel it is very important to never stop learning. I will continue to grow and strive, as a professional, so I can better serve the population I will be working with. I will commit myself to my community for societal change and to advocate for social injustice (Blevins,

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