
Essay On Lady Macbeth's Relationship

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Williams Shakespeare’s Tragedy of Macbeth, opens with a strong relationship between the main characters Lady Macbeth and Macbeth that is based on concern, love and devotion to each other. As the play continues there is a change in their relationship.
When Macbeth has his first of many encounters with the Three Witches who he had met on his way home from battle with Banquo, a nobleman and good friend of Macbeth, the witches give him three prophecies that trigger the complexity of Macbeth’s plot. When Macbeth hears of this he immediately sends Lady Macbeth who is his wife a letter informing her of this great news. “This have I thought good to deliver thee, my dearest partner of greatness, that thou might’s not lose the dues of rejoicing by being ignorant of what greatness is promised thee. Lay it to thy heart and farewell” right away this quote shows Macbeths devotion and trust into lady Macbeth (Shakespeare 361).
As the play goes on lady Macbeth is forestalling Macbeth’s thoughts of killing Duncan, the king of Scotland at the time. Macbeth and lady Macbeth have this desire to kill Duncan because they both want to be the ones on the throne and reign. This shows the couple …show more content…

She does not become Macbeth's "dearest partner of greatness" (1.5.11), as both had anticipated, but is instead excluded from his confidence. He does not inform her of his plan to kill Banquo, and after her ineffectual attempts to control him when he sees Banquo's Ghost, in 3.4, she disappears from the plot. The evil she was so willing to accept betrays her—as it betrays Macbeth—and produces only anguish in place of the rewards she had envisioned. Not only does she lose her husband to his increasingly dead emotional life, she also loses the access to power that had motivated her in the first place. Nothing remains to her, and she goes insane

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