
Essay On Hero's Journey

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Hunger Games, Star Wars, and A Wrinkle In Time have many similarities, and differences when they go through the Hero’s Journey. The Hero’s Journey is what the main character goes through in a book or movie. For example, Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Ender's Game, and much more. One section where Hunger Games, Star Wars, and A Wrinkle In Time have similarities and differences is in the section test/allies/enemies. Some ways that they are alike is because Katniss, Luke, and Meg have to go through lots of enemies and people that are trying to hurt them throughout their journey. These are just one way that they are alike, but there are many more in this section. One difference that these three books/movies have is because Katniss is risking her life to fight. She has to kill people, watch people die, and try to survive the game that gives entertainment to districts, but lays down sadness in every family. Additionally, she doesn’t have a choice whether to fight or not. She has to because she stepped in for her sister Prim. On the other hand, Luke Skywalker, is trying to save the galaxy. He has to fight off ships, and learn the way …show more content…

The mentor helper is the person or the people that help the hero along the way of their journey. For example, Katniss has Haymitch, Luke has Obi-Wan-Kenobi, and Meg has ms. Which, Ms. Whatsit, and Ms. Who. These are all some similarities in the mentors helper because they all help them get better along the way. One difference that occurs in the Mentors helper is that Megs helpers have “powers” and they can turn into things and . Luke's helper knows the ways of the force, and is a Jedi. He also fights with Luke. Lastly, Haymitch, helps Katniss starigise and knows the ways of the game, because he is the only one that has won in district twelve before. These are some differences and similarities that happen in the Mentors

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