
Essay On Cosmetology

Satisfactory Essays

Final Assignment Step 1 In the cosmetology world, we all see the sexy perfect models on magazines and the dreamy women in the movies; with their perfect skill and makeup and long flowy hair, and don’t forget the perfect hourglass body. But the truth is, in the real world we look nothing like that; and a lot of us are actually insecure about the way we look. Some of us are short, tall, skinny or fat, we don’t have perfect skin we have scratches and scares etc. Step 2 You have those who are very insecure about themselves; they have everything about themselves to the point where they harm themselves or commit suicide. Then you have those who are completely comfortable with the way they look; they don’t let the negative comments affect them. Then it’s the …show more content…

Most of the time they are the ones getting picked on and bullied at school, at home, and even online (cyber bullying). They are against the way the world looks down on the people that’s far from perfect but their self-esteem is so low they can’t or don’t know how to fight back. The ones who are completely comfortable in their own skin are against trying to look perfect but they love who they are. They think that we are all perfect in our own way; we were made like this so we shouldn’t change it just to please others. They don’t care if they are short, tall, skinny or fat and they don’t care that they don’t have the perfect skin they loves who they are and what they look like. The ones who would do anything and everything to get that perfect look is all for the idea of it. They will do Botox and injection to get rid of wrinkles and tighten up their skin; they will wear a lot of make up to cover scares and scratches. They will go under dangerous plastic surgeries to achieve that hourglass body and that perfect look; some would even do the plastic surgeries to look like the exact replica of a celebrity. Step

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