
Essay On Black Lives Matters

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Getting the Wrong Message Across Today in the United States of America, there are many different people from many different ethnic backgrounds. The Black Lives Matters movement is stirring up racial separation, rather than promoting reasonable solutions. Their dishonest anti-police views are causing police everywhere to second guess themselves. While in dangerous tactical situations, officers are now taking into consideration, the race of the offender, and what might be implied or taken out of context, if the offender is African American. “Most of the people who now live in terror because local police are too intimidated to do their jobs are black” (Martin, Jonathan). Furthermore, it also causes a danger to society by slowing officer’s reaction time. It puts law enforcement officers in a very tough spot, if they act to quickly they could be labeled a racist and face lawsuits, or even loss of job. However, if they don’t act, they could be harmed or even civilians around them. Also, The Black Lives Matter Movement is causing discrimination, hate, violence, and riots. Which are similar to the ones we have seen in the past with Ferguson and Baltimore, destruction took over the entire town. “Baltimore has had over 200 murders this year and almost all young black men” (K., D). Assata Shakur, who’s also known as …show more content…

Also, a desire to be seen equally by police officers who they feel do not look at them the same as white people. Although, the Black Lives Matter movement has every right to stand up against brutal treatment from police officers, who have abused their powers and may be racist, but not all police officers are bad and abuse their powers. Many officers don’t care what color the skin is they are there to do their jobs, to serve and protect. “Criticizing institutions such as the police, the courts and the prison system is one thing; turning them into the enemy is quite another” (K.,

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