
Eric Schlosser's Fast Food Nation

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When someone thinks of various fast food restaurants, they often think of quick and easy way to obtain food. However they do not stop to think about how it is affecting their health. Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser exposes to the public that various fast food restaurants, such as McDonalds, are detrimental for your health. He does this by showing the reader how unhealthy the food is to the public, as well as showing us how they make their food more desirable to buy to the general population. The one problem that arisen from fast food restaurants is the increase of childhood obesity since the beginning of fast food. Obesity has become a problem that is seen almost everywhere in todays children and teens. Almost nineteen percent of children …show more content…

The number one reason that people still eat fast food is the advertisement for food. Advertisements for fast food are all over the place, but advertisements for healthier food is almost nonexistent. Some researchers even suggest that banning fast food advertisements on the television could reduce the amount of overweight children alone by at least eighteen percent. They also say that, “By eliminating the tax deductibility of food advertising costs, the number of overweight children and adolescents would reduce by 7 and 5 percent, respectively.” Another reason of why people still get it is because of the availability of fast food. Fast food restaurants are basically all over the place, and the cost for unhealthy foods are significantly less than healthy foods. Even unhealthy drinks are so easy to get by anyone. Schlosser also mentioned in Fast Food Nation that McDonalds is also targeting for more kids by adding things like play sets and even having Ronald McDonald. Parents see this as an opportunity to bring their children into a child friendly environment. Those reasons will ultimately contribute to the rise of childhood

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