
English Subject Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

English has always been one of my favorite subjects over many others. Growing up writing always came easy to me and I've always been able to think and produce more adequately compared to my peers which always came in handy since English has always been a required subject. I feel as if writing is an amazing way to express yourself. When you write it is absolutely endless with words and phrases describing how you feel or think. Throughout high school I learned how to express myself more and more each year. I always had an English teacher that gave me little tips such as, explaining myself clearly and concise and not getting writers block.Each year I learned a little more about writing and was able to make way more improvements. Though I can say that I learned the most in English this …show more content…

Specifically I learned a bit more about commas and strategies to develop my writing and have it look and sound more professional. Writing I could say comes naturally to me, not in the sense that I come up with topics fast or that my work is amazing but when I start writing , it is hard for me to stop. As I am in the middle of writing, ideas just constantly flow through my mind which makes me not want to stop. If I had to choose what my favorite essay was from this semester it would have to be essay five. This has to be the best essay I written because I wrote it quickly and I felt confident about it after I wrote it. My worst essay would probably be essay number two because it was unstructured and didn't have many strong points or a strong topic sentence.I believe I am ready to take the next step on to the higher English class and take all the skills I've learned. Everything this semester has taught me will move on with me to my next english class and even further on in my

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