
Electricity Energy Story

Decent Essays

Energy Story, Hands-On Science with Squishy Circuits, and Conducting Solutions all have one important similarity: they all explain how electricity works! These three sources explain very different things, but they always end up coming back to the main objective of electricity. Energy Story explained how atoms function, and how they, as a whole, are passed through circuits to create electricity. Conducting Solutions explains how liquid solutions including Ammonia and Vinegar are stronger together, and create a stronger conduction of electricity. Hands-On Science with Squishy Circuits visually shows how two batches of homemade play-dough, one made with salt, and the other with sugar can be made into circuits when used together. Energy Story uses visual representation to explain how atoms function, and then move further to explain how atoms …show more content…

In this video, AnnMarie Thomas shows how two different types of homemade playdough can help you change your students or children into circuit designers. You make on batch of playdough using salt, and then another substituting salt with sugar. First, you take a battery pack, and plug the two wires into two separate pieces of playdough containing salt, or the positive playdough. You can then stick a tiny LED light into the playdough, and it will light up, but when the two positive doughs are pushed together, you create a short in the circuits. This happens because the electricity wants to run through the two positive doughs, not one positive dough. To prevent this from happening, you take a piece of the sugary dough you made, or the negative dough, and place a clump of that in between to two positive doughs. However, the sugary dough is 150 times more resistant to electricity than the salty dough, due to the ions in the sodium chloride in the salty dough. The sugary dough then creates a barrier, successfully making a functioning

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