
Egypt And Mesopotamia Comparison Essay

Decent Essays

While both Mesopotamia and Egypt have clear similarities on their views on religion, Mesopotamia struggled with their geography due to the high flooding that surrounded the area and on their government due to the harsh laws and rules, while Egypt triumphed in their culture and geography. A similarity Egypt and Mesopotamia both had was a body of water close by which was used for farming purposes and growing crops. Though Egypt’s rivers were different from Mesopotamia, as Egyptians had the Nile river meanwhile Mesopotamia had both the Tigris and Euphrates river systems. Egypt was surrounded by deserts which were successfully keeping them away from warfare and dangers. Mesopotamia was surrounded by a different natural boundary, that being the …show more content…

Egypt had pharaohs that ran Egypt while on the other hand, Mesopotamia’s early government had temple priests that controlled everything. While Egypt was divided into separately functioning upper Egypt and lower Egypt that was ruled by separate kings , Mesopotamia was divided into city states that functioned as its own independent country with the help of the priests as the mesopotamian reading states. The people in ancient Egypt viewed the pharaoh as an equivalent to the god, on the other hand Mesopotamia viewed their Priests as equal to the king and someone that was admired by the Gods. The Egyptians believed the Pharaohs were the ones that caused crops to grow and the sun to rise everyday. This was different from Mesopotamia as They believed everything that was happened was influenced by God including their ruler who represented God in Mesopotamia. A similarity both countries had according to the text was their control over the people as both the Mesopotamian and Egyptian rulers had massive control over their fellow people as they were viewed in a holy

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