
Educational History Interview : Education

Decent Essays

Educational History Interview I interviewed my 72-year-old grandma for my educational history interview. My grandmother attended Midway Elementary school for grades 1-8. Schooling was very different 60 years ago. The elementary teachers were strict. The students were expected to respect their elders, nonsense was not accepted, and obedience was a requirement. Slackers were not rewarded or given the same credit as those who work diligently. Students were not awarded solely for participation. Students were awarded for achievements. When a student misbehaved or was causing trouble and was threatened with having to go to the principal’s office that already meant you were in trouble. The students did not only get in trouble at school, but they would have harsh punishments latter at home, as well. The elementary school was a wood frame building with a bulky coal-fueled heater in the center of the room. The heater was maintained by the teacher. The students did not have a desk. They sat at wood tables with cubies in them. Students did not come to school with laptops or tablets. They had the basic materials to work with; they used paper and pencils. No electronic device of any kind was used during the class periods or during recess. Recess required strenuous physical activity. The games they played involved physical activity and mental activity. They taught the children team building qualities, and how to work with others to succeed in accomplishing a goal. The teachers taught

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