
Education Is An Important Part Of Society

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Education was an important part of society. Since the Cold War and the Soviet Union’s successful launch of Sputnik in October of 1957, improvements of education was necessary. In the 1960’s, John F. Kennedy developed proposals to ensure the American education system were competitive with students all around the world. His proposals were to ensure that every race, and religion would receive a good education. However, not every child was receiving the same education opportunities based on money issues surrounding them and the minority they were classified as, the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 was to ensure that these issues would be dissolve. On January 8th of 2002, six months and one war later after George W. Bush first proposed the No Child Left Behind bill, it was finally passed. Under the No Child Left Behind, every state was required to develop and implement strict academic standards in reading and math. These standards obliged by law to every student- regardless of ethnicity, social class, or mental ability- to ensure that in twelve years, one hundred percent of students could demonstrate satisfactory skills (Hudson 44). The law also required states to create their own test and assessments, to be administrated to the third through eighth grade annually. The results of these tests determined how much funding the school would get. If the test scores were low, the school would not get as much funds as a school with high test score would get. Underperformance schools

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