
Edmund Burke And Conservatism

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Edmund Burke

Edmund Burke was one of the leading voices and supporters of the conservatism philosophy in late 18th century Europe. An English Wig and Parliamentary, he was the author of Reflections on the Revolution in France. A document in which he vocalized his conservatism ideology, expressing his disapproval for the french revolution, which he argues was against tradition and popular authority. The individual behind burkean conservatism, Burke was anti-enlightenment and anti-rationalist, instead supporting traditional ideals. He claimed that ultimate wisdom and insight is found by looking back on the lessons our ancestors have to teach us. Conservatism was a widely adopted philosophy following the french revolution and in the middle of the industrial revolution. It was was supported most often by those in power, who strived to maintain the status quo, and by the religious community, as conservatism was paired with religion.

Communist Manifesto …show more content…

The pamphlet, aimed at the proletariat population strived to inspire a communist revolution that would empower the very people that supported it, the working class. Marx and Engels believed the working class, who lacked power individually, but collectively held the valuable commodity of labor, could change the current political and economic system. The manifesto provided concrete steps to obtaining this change, unlike the utopian socialists who came before the manifesto. The pamphlet highlighted how the current economic system did not serve the majority of people. Marx believed the working class would revolt out of

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