
ESPN Target Market

Decent Essays

The consumer market for ESPN’s streaming service is made up of sports enthusiasts who need access to live events and sports information on-the-go. According to our situation analysis, consumers use ESPN for their sports needs because of ESPN’s strong brand name; the ESPN brand promotes awareness and trust to consumers within the sports entertainment market. Due to ESPN’s focus on a higher purpose, many consumers choose ESPN over competitors for their environmental sustainability and diversity initiatives. Thus, ESPN’s well-known brand name and positive public image bolster ESPN’s favorability among sports enthusiasts within the entertainment market.

Sports enthusiasts provide the target market for ESPN within the sports entertainment industry. The specific target market segment we will target for ESPN’s streaming service is busy individuals who want to keep up with sports but are unable to do so because of time constraints. The entire target market may include individuals who lack adequate access to ESPN outlets, such as “cord-cutters”. However, we will be focusing exclusively on young male individuals who are unable to fulfill their sports entertainment viewing needs due to busy schedules and a lack of time. This target market segment …show more content…

Claritas MyBestSegments identifies one psychographic profile that aligns with the target market we are pursuing. The “Up-and-Comers” are individuals who watch ESPN and follow college sports; range from 25-44 years of age; work in management and professional job roles; and use above average technology. Up-and-Comers are young sports enthusiasts who work demanding jobs and are well versed in using technology. In addition, “Up-and-Comers” are individuals who willing to try new things. Consequently, “Up-and-Comers” may likely be part of the early adopters or early majority of the ESPN streaming

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