
Dust Bowl Dbq

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1930s: The Dust Bowl The 1930s did not at all resemble its precedent decade known as,“The Roaring Twenties.” America faced many obstacles and hardships during the 1930s. The Dust Bowl drastically affected people of the Midwest. People who lived in the Dust Bowl region lost their homes, jobs, and some, even their families. The dust storms were a result of years of treating farmland poorly. Mass migrations of Midwesterners began to occur as dust storms blew away whole houses. The Dust Bowl was an American catastrophe leaving millions of people homeless and jobless. The United States was left in panic as millions of westerners migrated in search of new jobs and homes.

Prosperity in farming During the late 1920s, …show more content…

They had to rely on America for agricultural products. He also says how “U.S. consumers dramatically increased their consumption of wheat, corn, meat, and other agricultural products during the economic expansion of the 1920s” (59-60). However, this farming boom did not last forever. During the summer of 1931 a severe drought struck the plains. The topsoil dried up. Crops were destroyed as the horrified farmers watched. says how “The water levels of lakes dropped by five feet or more.” Since the farmers plowed all the plains years earlier, all that there was left was dry, loose, dirt. With high winds, no rain, and loose soil, The Dust Bowl era was ready to …show more content…

Since there were no farming opportunities many people had to find new jobs. Midwesterners began to start to travel farther west to states such as California and Oregon in order to find jobs and escape the dust. These “migrant workers” fled to these western states in the thousands. According to Prentice Hall: The American Nation, these workers were not well received. “Local citizens feared that the newcomers would take away there jobs” (766). The migrants that were lucky enough to find jobs were payed next to nothing. describes how poor

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