
Dreams : What Are Dreams?

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What are dreams? Are they the mind’s way of entertaining itself while you sleep, or are they your unconscious trying to tell you something? If you chose the ladder, you are on the right track. The mind can’t talk to you, you don 't hear voices in your head unless you are a Schizophrenic. The only way that our unconscious mind has a way to communicate, is when you are asleep. The idea that dreams are trying to tell you something is simple, but understanding what the dream is trying to say can be difficult, as dreams can often be complex and seem to make no sense. Amongst the nonsense of dreams, their true meaning is wish fulfillment. Dreams allow people to understand their unconscious wants and fears, but are never presented in a clear fashion; therefore, one needs to unravel their true meaning.
I had a strange anxiety dream a couple of nights ago. I was in my current house, in my living room, when suddenly I look around and the walls are covered with dozens bugs. They are not normal sized but huge, like something from the cretaceous period. Some look like oversized centipedes and other like huge beetles, but many of them I can’t recognize. They all seem to have large legs and move quickly. Suddenly I have a gallon of home defense bug spray and I aggressively try to spray them all. For some reason the ceiling and walls are abnormally high and I can’t reach all the bugs, and the ones I can reach seem to not be dying. In real life bugs terrify me, and in the dream the sight of

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