
Dr. Huang From The Tv Series Law & Order

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In this paper, the author will focus mainly about the character Dr. George Huang from the TV series Law & Order: Special Victims Unit and aspects of his job. This paper will also focus on a couple other factors of the show such as, running blood or fingerprints, and how they may or may not be handled the same way in real life. Dr. Huang is a Forensic Psychiatrist as well as a FBI special agent. This paper will focus on the Forensic Psychiatrist/ Psychologist part of Dr. Huang’s job. This paper will talk about how Dr. Huang handles victims and co-workers with each criminal profiling and how it relates to real life. Wouldn 't it be nice to have all crimes solved in 43 minutes or less? It would also be comforting to know that all criminal justice personal had the victims best interest in mind other than just doing what they have to do to make a living for themselves. These among many other factors are what make Law & Order: SVU such a great show to watch. People love seeing justice being served time and time again by the end of every episode. They love the emotions that are portrayed and the drama of watching the histories of characters, such as main character Olivia, unravel with every episode. The real question is “Is all of this pertinent to real life criminal justice?”. A lot happens in those 43 minutes that would be impossible to happen that quickly in real life. This paper will mainly focus on the roll of Dr. Huang, the Forensic Psychiatrist, Criminal

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