
Domestication Of Animals, The Bantu Migrations

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Continuity and change helps us understand what has changed or remained the same over the course of history. It allows us to examine certain patterns or cultural influences and how they have either faded from history or still remain significant today. Domestication of animals, the Bantu Migrations, and the rise of Islam are key elements that will be discussed. Domestication is a very useful skill that has remained the same for many years. Animals can be used for meat, milk, wool, etc. They are also used as farming tools and transportation. Certain animals much better suited to domestication than others; Jared Diamond calls this the “anna Karenina principle’ (Class Lecture).
Horses are strong, fast animals with a variety of traits making them …show more content…

Evidence is concrete examples of raw materials – how we interpret them is an important key when studying history. Evolution and the Kennewick Man will be discussed. Evolution is one of the most important factors when looking at history. A crucial moment in evolutionary process is speciation. Fortunately, we have the fossil record of a transitional species called tiktaalik. Tiktaalik was the transitional species of sea creature that would evolve into a land creature. It was found on Ellesmere Island in the Canadian arctic and is believed to be around 383 million years old (Class Lecture). This allows us to see, up close, the transformation of animals. What was once isolated to only the sea, evolved into something that could now dwell on land as well. Throughout the course of history, more and more evolutionary traits will occur allowing different species to prosper where they once could not.
Another important physical adaptation was bipedalism. This allowed early hominids to migrate longer distances which would lead to enhanced cognition.
Homo Ergaster emerged 2 million years ago possessing 3 important traits:
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Ban Zhao is another significant individual who help shape modern concepts. She was born in the first century, AD, during the Later Han Dynasty (Gregory p. 123).
She is significant in Chinese history because of her writings and teachings of the “Admonitions for Women” using a Confucian approach to define appropriate behavior (Gregory p. 123).
She objected that many families taught their sons to read, but not their daughters and would go on to become an advocate of the education of women. The Admonitions for Women became one of the most commonly used texts for the education of Chinese women (McKay et al, p. 166).
If Confucius and Mencius were trying to create the superior man (junzi) then Ban Zhao was trying to create the female version of that (Gregory p. 123). As defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, feminism is “the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes.” By this definition, Ban Zhao was a feminist in her teachings and ideas which will be applied for many years into modern civilization.
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