
Domestic Violence Offenders

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Above all, getting domestic violence offenders stricter punishments will help several things. It will lower the rates of domestic violence, and it will create fewer injuries. Domestic violence offenders should acquire stricter punishments. They don't deserve to be discharged for doing such a terrible thing. The most important issue here is how much danger the victim is in if the offender is not arrested. The victim of a domestic violence situation is put in a great deal of danger when the offender is not arrested. In a study done in Minneapolis, Lawrence Sherman learned that mandatory arrests in misdemeanor cases reduced the future domestic violence rates. (3) The best way to keep the victims as safe as possible is to require mandatory arrests. …show more content…

There are studies showing that 3-4 million children who are between the ages of 3 and 17 are at the risk of domestic violence every year. The children of the women who get abused, usually witness it. (2) This causes the children to have psychological problems, and trust issues. Children that grow up in a violent household, learn very easily that no one can be trusted. It ruins their thought of love and also ruins their courage. (8) No child should have to witness their mother or father get abused. These children show the same behavioral patterns as those who are neglected. They often look for attention, affection, and approval, since they aren't getting much in their home lives. (8) Children deserve to be loved and cared for. They shouldn't have to worry about the things they do, and they shouldn't have to worry about what might happen to them next. There are statistics that show that most of the children who witness domestic violence, will become a victim too. If they do not become a victim, they will have severe psychological trauma. (8) The children are likely to be abused, but they are just as likely to abuse. It's common for children who watch abuse to repeat that abuse to others, such as significant others, and possibly their children. …show more content…

It's not healthy for them to have to live with the offender, and fear that they will be abused. If the police are called, these things will not reoccur. A study in Ohio shows that offenders who were prosecuted didn't end up being arrested again, while offenders who weren't prosecuted did get arrested again. (3) When there is more punishment, the offenders think about their actions, and weigh their options, and don't want to be arrested again. In data collected in a 10 year time period, it says that offenders were less likely to repeat violence when the police got called. (5) The offenders value their families and would like to still be with them, but with their actions, it's not always the best idea. There are 22 states, including the District of Columbia, that have mandatory arrest laws that require an arrest to be made if an assault has occurred. 33 states have arrest laws for the violation of a restraining order. (3) The offenders are not likely to violate the restraining order because then, they are more likely to be arrested. Mandatory arrest and prosecution mean that survivors don't need to have the responsibility of pressing charges, and it could lead to offenders receiving treatment, protective orders, and more penalties for repetitive domestic violence. (3) The best thing to do is to get protective orders and have the offender arrested. Nobody deserves to live in

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