
Do Primates Posses Culture? Essays

Decent Essays

Writing Assignment One--Do primates posses culture?
I think that if culture is defined as learned behavior, than it is reasonable to say that primates posses a form of culture. Primates have been observed making tools to aid in collecting food and developing communication system, both of which are learned behaviors.
It is common in monkeys, apes and humans that behavior and social organization aren’t necessarily programmed into the genes. There have been several cases where an entire troop has learned from the experiences of just a few. In a group of Japanese macaques, for example, a three-year-old female female developed the habit of washing dirt of of sweet potatoes before she …show more content…

This kind of practice goes beyond animal instinct.
Another highly developed practice is ‘terminating’. Chimps carefully choose the right kind of twig to probe the termite hills with. They modify the twig by peeling off the bark to expose the sticky surface. Then they dig holes with their fingers, stick the twig in and fish around until the have enough termites on their twig to have a meal.
Terminating takes time, and their are many Gombe chimps that have never mastered it. Only certain types of twigs will work for the job. Also, once the twig is in the hill and the chimp judges that the termites are crawling on its surface, the chimp has to quickly flip the twig as he pulls it out so that the termites are on top, otherwise they would all fall off.
The cultural transmission of a communication system through learning is a fundamental attribute of language. Trained chimpanzee’s Washoe and Lucy have tried to teach Ameslan to other animals, including their own offspring. Washoe has taught gestures to other chimps at the institute where she is, including her son, Sequoia, who died when he was very young. There has been other cases of cultural transmission from chimp to chimp.
Chimps and gorillas have at least a simple capacity for langueage. They may never have invented a

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