
Diversity In The Workplace

Decent Essays

Google, one of the largest American multinational technology companies, is one of the many Silicon Valley tech industries accused by friends and colleagues to lack gender and racial diversity (Swartz 1). Companies are required to report to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, which aims to ensure non-discrimination in the workplace (Coldewey 5). These reports are usually private however Google’s senior vice president, Laszlo Bock, publicly released the reported stats revealing that a diversity problem is indeed present at Google. Charts showed that “70 percent of Google's employees are men, 61 percent of its total workforce is white, another 30 percent are Asian, three percent are Hispanic and two percent are African American” (McGregor …show more content…

This is why Google was hesitant in the release of their demographic information because they knew “’…it would not look good [for the companies reputation]’” (McGregor 10). However, the company expressed “’Being totally clear about the extent of the problem is a really important part of the solution’” (Coldewey 6). As of right now, Google is working to solve the problem by addressing unconscious bias, providing benefits that serve diversity needs, infusing diversity processes into their employees, and encouraging diversity celebration and inclusion (“Google Diversity” 1). In promoting diversity consciousness and avoiding unconscious biases, Google is using workshops to educate employees on how to identify biases and overcome them. Learning requires gathering facts, making structured decisions, becoming mindful of subtle cues relating to discrimination, raising awareness and representing accountability (“Diversity - Google” …show more content…

They are looking at diversity through the eyes of a business owner, employee, costumer, and overall community. Even though Google’s diversity issue is not yet resolved and may take years to overcome, they remain optimistic about employee workshops involving diversity education and consciousness. These two factors will play an important role in every employee’s ability to accept and understand difference within the workforce and within the community. However, the problem may lie in the company’s ability to fully adapt and perceive cultural differences. The downside to workshop education is that there is no way to tell if employees will be influenced to change their diversity biases. As of right now, Google has only slightly increased diversity percentages for female and minority workers. The future of Google is dependent on whether or not they will be able to tackle gender and racial diversity along with the promotion of community and business wide diversity consciousness. If the company wants to avoid future issues they must remain vocal about any concerns they may face and publicly report any advancements/regressions made in regards to diversifying their workforce. The company’s reputation and name are at stake if they cannot follow through with the well set notions they have put in place. Works Cited:
Coldewey, Devin. "'Time to Be Candid': Google Admits Lack of Workplace Diversity - NBC News." NBC

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