
Diversity In The Workplace

Decent Essays

Silicon Valley is the home to many of the world’s largest high-tech corporations. Silicon Valley companies employee a plethora of talent-rich workers who lead the way in 21st century, and beyond, technological advances. Google is one of the crown jewels of Silicon Valley and like many successful companies, such as Xerox or Velcro; the name has morphed into a verb become synonymous with an activity. “Google this” is the expression that is used to indicate using any internet search engine for results. Although Google is successful in its unique approach to employee development, the company admittedly falls short when it comes to diversity. With businesses recognizing that workplace diversity can positively effect corporate profits, Google …show more content…

Larry Page and Sergey Brin, both PhD students at Stanford University in California, founded Google in 1996 as a research project. Their research projects original plan was to successfully “create the world’s best search” (Schmidt, Rosenberg, & Eagle, 2014, p. 5). According to Eric Schmidt, former Google CEO, and Jonathan Rosenberg, former SVP of Products, once their revolutionary search engine became a viable company their plan was to “hire as many talented software engineers as possible, and give them freedom” (2014, p. 5). The theory was that in a company depending on engineers, Google should develop hiring practices “attracting and leading the very best engineers” was the most efficient way for Google to meet and surpass corporate goals (Schmidt, Rosenberg, & Eagle, 2014, p. …show more content…

The CS First program is “designed to help anyone – a teacher, a coach, or a volunteer – teach kids the basics of coding” (Google CS First, 2015). Google also created a program geared to girls called Making the Code. This program aims to change the perception that code is just for boys. The website states “Code is creative. Girls are creative. Everything else is just logistics” (Google Making the Code, 2015). These initiatives will help Google tap into and develop an underrepresented segment of the workforce by helping to create favorable conditions and

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