
Diversity In The Workplace

Decent Essays

Growing up as a child, I was always fearful of what other thought and considered of me. This fear brought forth self-esteem difficulties throughout my school as well as I entered college. Unfortunately, my fears restricted me from forming friendships, and even to the point of preventing me from developing as an employee. This fear that crippled me from within was the main source of what caused me to holdback in life rather than exposing to the world the true individual I actually was.
I desperately desired to engage in conversations, exchange views and opinions on specific topics that were surrounding me whether it was within a classroom setting or in the work place. I knew that I too could put forth great insight, however I feared the possibilities …show more content…

This world is not always going to form positive opinions towards me, simply because we are all different in the way we think and process information. I began to realize that is life is not always about my success, but sometimes the main pictures is focused on the “failures” that brought me to the places that I am today. I finally understood that my life did not and should not revolve around the affirmations of others.
I as I began gain a better perspective on life; I started to engage in conversations, realizing that disagreements and differences were actually not as daunting that I made them seem to be in the past. Relationships have been created in life, now that I am not afraid of what others considered of me. I have also drastically developed within my position at work to the point that I have gained a leadership position.
My new desire in life is to not be afraid of being different, challenged, or courageous. As I start a new chapter in my academic as a senior, I am encouraged to assist others who are younger than I am who may be experiencing the same fears I too had. Furthermore, with my new leadership position at work, I am thrilled to guide the staff by inspiring them to strive at all they

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