
Disengagement Theory And Alzheimer 's Disease

Decent Essays

Disengagement Theory and Alzheimer’s Disease There are three core theories’ that have been established in age related studies. There is the active theory which states that a person should remain active and social. There is the Continuation Theory and states that people who age successfully continue habits that lead to a happy life. Then there is the disengagement theory and this theory will be the focus of the paper. Disengagement theory is the idea that as people age it is expected for them to withdraw from society and take a more limited social role in life. I believe that this theory ties into dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease because it is expected that older adults retire and move away from the workforce and society. When we think of Alzheimer’s disease it generally is a person who is older in life and withdrawn from the people around them because they lack the ability to recall memories. Through this paper I will talk more about what disengagement theory is and how it was developed and how I believe that it applies to Alzheimer’s disease. Finally, I will talk about a method of therapy that is used to combat this social withdrawal seen in the disengagement theory as well as how it is used to treat Alzheimer’s disease. As defined by Crossman (Disengagement Theory n.d.) “Disengagement theory states that in every society, the elderly undergo a process of adjustment in which they leave important public roles and narrow their social world to family and friends”. Thus, the

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