
Discipleship : Luke 14 : 25-35

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The Cost of Discipleship: Luke 14:25-35 Discipleship is one of the highest aspirations of many of the different followers and sections of Christianity, but as Luke 14:25-35 shows, it is not something that is handed to each and every follower as it must be earned and truly worked towards in order to be allowed to experience the full effect and ownership of being a disciple. The idea of discipleship is something that is not necessarily tangible as is more of a state of belief rather than something that you can go and take or purchase. Discipleship is found best described as, “a ‘follower’, ‘adherent’ or ‘student’ of a great master, religious leader or teacher.” This definition shows the basic nature of a disciple during the time that Jesus walked the earth, yet this barely scratches the surface of the true requirements needed to be a true follower of Christ and not a person that simply follows because they are being led to do so. This section of verses found in chapter 14 of Luke show that there are stringent requirements needed to be a true disciple of Christ and as he demonstrates in the text through example and shortened parables, there is no way to become a true follower if it is being done halfheartedly and with a lax nature. The first verse in this section sets the nature of this following speech and teaching as one to a large audience as opposed to an enclosed group of listeners. Jesus was on his way to a dinner with a leader of the Pharisees and gathering along him

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