
Disaster Recovery Research Paper

Decent Essays

[h1] Why Disaster Recovery Is Crucial for Higher Education

Meta description: Colleges and universities need cloud disaster recovery because they store student records and research findings using technology. Online classes and administrative processes need to be protected from outages.

Colleges and universities have become increasingly dependent on technology. Student records and research findings are digitized, many classes are conducted online, and faculty and students communicate regularly over the internet. Institutions have multiple campuses that need to communicate with each other and share data.

Unfortunately, many higher education institutions don’t have a formal disaster recovery plan in place to protect their data and technology. …show more content…

If a campus is hit by a natural disaster, an equipment failure, or a major breach, vital records may be lost or compromised. During crucial times, such as grade reporting periods, the process will be brought to a screeching halt.

[h2] Online Learning
The Grade Increase: Tracking Distance Education in the United States report found that 31.6% of college students take at least one distance learning course. The number of students taking courses on campus is gradually shrinking.

Online courses increase students’ access to education. They can work remotely with top professors and take courses on their own schedule. Flexibility is key because so many of today’s students need to juggle coursework with jobs and family obligations.

Online courses only work if a campus can maintain uninterrupted connectivity. These courses are conducted over the internet, and if the connection shuts down, students and professors can’t communicate. Semesters only last a certain number of weeks. If an extended shutdown happens, students can’t complete the required course work in time to earn credit.

[h2] Digital …show more content…

Universities in Texas were prepared, re-establishing internet connection in the aftermath. However, other campuses in the U.S. may not be as prepared.

Cloud-based disaster recovery provides an affordable solution that enables campuses to recover quickly when a disaster strikes. Disaster recovery as a service (DRaaS) offers automatic failover. With the cloud, backup copies of student records and research findings can be stored in a virtual environment off campus.

Instead of piecing together a disaster recovery solution from multiple tools, colleges can access all the capabilities they need in the cloud. Using the cloud combined with a high-speed network, universities can conduct classes and vital research uninterrupted.

FirstLight has technicians experienced in working with higher education institutions. We provide affordable cloud solutions for colleges and universities. Our DRaaS includes replication, recovery, and a low-latency and resilient fiber optic network to ensure your research and instruction continue uninterrupted no matter what

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