
Disadvantages Of Distance Learning

Decent Essays

First-time college students like my brother Jake often has a hard time connecting with other students, especially if they commutes to classes every day. He says that there are usually only time to say a quick hello to classmates before his first class get underway, and for the rest of the day he is constantly on the go, running from class to class. “Everyone need friends,” I told him, “and you are no exception.” When I asked him why he doesn’t speak to the other students in class, he told me, “I am taking advanced classes, and I need to concentrate on the lectures. For example mathematics are difficult enough when I give it my full attention, and I don’t want to risk getting a bad grade in any of my classes.” I then suggested a group activity or club, and he told me that a sports team offer a lot of opportunities to meet other guys, but that he was more interested in meeting members of the opposite sex. “Hmmm,” I replied, “then a club or other student organization are just what you are looking for.” He finally decided that the Fencing Team and the Environmental Club was possibilities. Both of them include a mix of males and females, so I think he will make friends there. As I told him, four years of college are a long time to feel lonely.
Because of the Internet, new ways of teaching and learning has evolved. The term “distance learning” refer to accessing information with a computer and modem from sources that may be located thousands of miles away. Many colleges and other organizations now includes distance learning courses in their curriculum. Some people even earns their college degrees through distance learning, without ever being on the campus of the university. The distance learning teacher usually post information for students to access and sometimes gives a real-time lecture – in written form, of course. Interactive communication between teacher and students are also possible. A chat room with restricted access works well for this purpose. Special message boards also allows students to post questions. Students uses e-mail to send in their written assignment and also receive comments from the instructor by e-mail. Although some people complains that distance learning lacks the personal touch, others

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