
Dillard Dialectical Journal

Decent Essays

1. What is a paragraph or passage in the first two that stood out to you? Why did that particular passage grab your attention? 2. What have you been able to notice about Dillard’s writing style and technique in the two chapters we have read so far? Why do you think Dillard writes this way? 3. On page 9 of the text, Dillard says, “Every live thing is a survivor on a kind of extended emergency bivouac. But at the same time we are also created” (9). How does this sentence make you feel? 4. On Page 9, Dillard talks about God for the first time in the text. What does she say about God? How could this be interpreted? Do you agree with or disagree with the point she is trying to prove during this section of the novel? 5. On Page 11, Dillard says,

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