
Different Types Of Incentive Compensation By Andrea Cassells

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Incentive Compensation
Andrea Cassells What is incentive compensation?
Incentive compensation is a form of compensation that is based solely on the performance of an employee. Payment is usually contingent upon performance of the company, the employee's department, the employee, or combinations thereof, hence the term “incentive”. What this means is the employee has an incentive to perform at a high level, and be rewarded for the effort. In most cases, incentive compensation plans are designed in such a way as to attract and retain key employees, identify with shareholders, and align interests of employees and the company. For example, in the United States, executives and employees are given incentive bonuses based on multiple performance measures. A typical plan for a executive employee can include: a base salary, annual bonus plan, stock options, and additional compensation such as long term incentive plans, retirement plans and restricted stock. Compensation plans often follow the net income and stock prices of the company.
In order to gauge employee performance, employee performance can be assessed with various measurements that are both internal and external. Internal measurements include financial indicators (e.g., stock …show more content…

While there is a wide spectrum of incentive compensation arrangements, they usually come in forms such as annual cash bonus plans, stock grants, deferred bonus plans, restricted stock grants, phantom stock plans, stock appreciation right plans, , etc. For example, an employee under the stock appreciate right plan may receive the appreciation in stock value. Employees receiving company’s shares, subject to a vesting schedule are known as restricted stock grants. When drafting an incentive compensation plan, the following criteria may be considered: performance measurements, eligibility, award size and frequency, plan period, vesting schedule and formal

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