
Difference Between Linguistic Relativity And Linguistic Determinism

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LT5901 “semester B”

Assignment report

Student Name: SIA NGAI LING

Student ID: 53064482

Tutorial Session: TZ 1

Tutor: Ms. Zhou Nannan Question 1
“Linguistic relativity” and “linguistic determinism” are strong version and weak version of Sapir-Whorf hypothesis respectively. According to XX (), “linguistic relativity” is defined as the variation of cognitive processes among languages due to cultural differences. The individuals see, experience and interpret the world based on the structure of the language they habitually use. Such linguistic categories and usage influence thought and certain kinds of non-linguistic behavior, carve up and name the world differently. Linguistic relativism acknowledges that conceptual paradigms of thought can be changed, extended, broadened and reshaped with respect to the experience the individual has or the exertion the individual makes.

On the other hand, “linguistic determinism” is the idea that language and its structures limit and determine human though patterns and knowledge, as well as thought processes such as categorization, memory, and perception, assuming that language both reflects and limits human mentality and its ability to make cross-cultural connections such as bilingualism and translation. …show more content…

It is because “linguistic relativity” is a matter of the way to view the world, which differs among cultural variance; but, “linguistic determinism” is a matter of the cognition and perception process, which relatively gives regular nonlinguistic cognitive processes to certain culture, and leads people in the same culture to have same differentiation in most cases. Therefore, “linguistic determinism” sees only the rigidity of the contrasts between

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