
Cypop 5 Childminding Course Task 9 Report on Behaviour

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TASK 9 REPORT ON BEHAVIOUR –policies and assessment explation Behaviour can often be linked to age and stage as well as environment. Other factors that can influence behaviour are overall development, self-image, changes in personal life, new school, media and peer groups. For instance , with a young baby you might get signs of ‘separation anxiety’ . With a two year old, their might be ‘toddler frustration’ and with school aged children , strong attitudes and opinions. As child minders we need to be aware of the types of abuse and what to look for Sexual abuse, neglect, emotional/psyhchological,and physical. All of these subjects have had in depth discussions during class and I am well aware of the signs to look out for. Whilst …show more content…

• I will help children maintain their self-esteem by showing I disapprove of their bad behaviour not the child themselves. If I have concerns about a child’s behaviour which are not being resolved, I will ask for permission from the parents to talk it through with another childcare professional. I may contact the National Childminding Association, the NSPCC, health visitor or the local early years team (or other relevant advice service) for confidential advice. Concerns that could identify a particular child are kept confidential and only shared with people who need to know this information. I encourage appropriate behaviour by: • Setting a good example, I aim to be a positive role model as children copy what they see. Children learn values and behaviour from adults. • I readily praise, approve and reward wanted behaviour, such as sharing, to encourage it to be repeated. Using praise helps to show that I value the child and it helps to build their self-esteem. • I praise children to their parents and other people when they have behaved as expected. • I try to be consistent when saying “no” and explain reasons why it is not appropriate and considered unwanted behaviour. • My expectations are flexible and realistic and are adjusted to the age, level of understanding, maturity and stage of development of the child. • I try to involving children in setting and agreeing house rules.

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