
Csr And Its Usefulness For Modern Business

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Many social scientists and economists like Friedman (1917 NYT article); Visser (2010) and Karnani (2011) have been looking at the arguments for and against ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’. There are many different definitions of CSR but the idea behind it is that businesses contribute to the well being of society, as well as sustainable development by delivering environmental, economic and social benefits to society, not just economic benefits to the shareholders. Most writers have made slightly different cases against CSR and its usefulness for modern business and society. One can see, even by looking at relevant case studies, that there are certainly a large amount of flaws involved in the concept of CRS and DWBD (Doing well by doing good), which I shall point out over the rest of this coursework. I shall also consider the positive aspects of CSR, I will explore the critical writings off Karnani, who claimed that in each case CSR is either irrelevant or ineffective, and compare those to other notable criticisms such as Reich and Visser who all analyse various faults with the concept of CSR. A problem that I came across early in my research and reading was that motives for businesses to engage in CSR are very often not pure. Many businesses use CSR in order to claim their social licence to operate. As the CSR activity often makes them seem legitimate and responsible, it gives managers an opportunity to hide and disguise the activities of the corporation. This is the

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