
Corruption In One Hundred Years Of Solitude

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While Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude and Willam Shakespeare’s Hamlet illustrate corruption, in One Hundred Years of Solitude the corruption is on a grander scale, as it affects seven generations and destroys the whole town; whereas, in Hamlet, it only affects the small remote kingdom. One of the most paramount evident of corruption is the result in both Hamlet and One Hundred Years Of Solitude, in these two stories, the final round of characters are death and disappear. Quote1 is stated by Marcellus, he notices that Denmark is corrupted by the new king and will cause a disaster eventually. Quote 2 is the end of the One Hundred Years Of Solitude, the prophecy shows the perishing of Macondo, which is cause by both outside and inside erode. However there are also the …show more content…

As look through the plot of two novels, desire causes characters to be corrupted. Quote 5 emphasis Hamlet is corrupted by the desire of revenge, and in Quote 6 José Arcadio is corrupted since he has the dysfunctional emotion to his mother and wants to enjoy the relationship with female. Although they both caused by desire, authors want to express different view of point of reason why the world is corrupted in detail. In Hamlet, Willam Shakespeare thinks people’s moral decay is caused by themselves, is their own choice such as in Quote 7 Hamlet chooses not to kill the king which lead himself died at the end of the play, there is no fate in there as One Hundred Years Of Solitude states, in Quote 8 Úrsula sees many generations of the family they all have the same desire and do same things again and again, which could refer to the family’s corruption is caused by God everyone is planned to do the things before they were born. The fate influenced the whole seven generations while Hamlet’s choice only affect a few people, so the reason of corruption in One Hundred Years Of Solitude is more uncontrollable and affects

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