
Conveyor Belt Project Part 3 Essays

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BA562 Conveyor Belt Project
Part 3
Part A
1. Which if any of the resources are over allocated?
Design, Development and Documentation.
2. Assume that the project is time constrained and try to resolve any over allocation problems by leveling within slack. What happens?
The design and documentation over allocated problem is solved. However, Development is still over allocated. (See Gantt chart 3.1)
3. What is the impact of leveling within slack on the sensitivity of the network? Include a Gantt chart with the schedule table after leveling within slack.
The sensitivity of the network is increased. The slacks are reduced which lead to a loss of flexibility. The probability of activities delaying the project is increased because the …show more content…

The reduction can reduce the cost and resource. Compromising the quality is also an option. If quality is sacrificed, it may be possible to reduce the time of an activity on the critical path. However, it is rarely acceptable or used.

Part B
Once you have obtained a schedule that meets the time and resource constraints, prepare a memo that addresses the following questions:
1. What changes did you make and why?
The end date of the project cannot be moved, so the project should be considered as a time constrain project. Two internal research teams are assigned to Development initially, but Development over allocation still exists. In the resource graph, we can see that the peak of demand in Development is 500%, which means we need to hire 1 more development team outside the company. The peak demand is consisted by 5 tasks: 1.2 “Hardware design”, 2.2.1 “Disk drivers”, 2.3 “Memory management”, 3.2 “Routine utilities” and 3.3 “Complex utilities”. Among these tasks, 3.2 “Routine utilities” has the shortest duration. Since the cost for outside development team is higher, we should hire it for as short duration as possible. Thus the external development team is assigned to the task 3.2 “Routine utilities”.
2. How long will the project take?
The project length remains 530 days and will be end on Feb. 2nd, 2012.
3. How did these changes affect the sensitivity of the network?

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