
Constitutional Amendment Debate

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The constitutional amendment prohibiting alcohol failed for many reasons, but mostly because it was a change at the national level that did not have national support. One of the defining differences of the United States is that are overall area contributes to vastly different regional societies with unique morals and principles. The idea of a constitutional ban on all alcohol, marijuana, nicotine, or even caffeine could be welcomed by the majority in certain areas of the country but seen as an abject misuse of power by the government in other more liberal areas. For example, many states have already taken the steps to legalize marijuana sale and possession as a result of overwhelming support from a majority of their constituents. A constitutional amendment to ban marijuana would see the rise of much political unrest in these states and the return of drug cartel based distribution and organized criminal activity. …show more content…

This movement has seen much support nationwide because it controls second hand smoke exposure by non-smokers. However, a constitution ban on the sale of cigarettes would be less likely to find favor and would greatly infuriate the states and companies that depend on the income from growing and selling tobacco. Finally, I do not believe many if any states or localities would support any type of ban on caffeine. The effects have not been publically proven to be permanently debilitating and the use of caffeine does not pose any risks to society or public decency. I agree with the book that the best method for controlling the consumption of these substances is at the lowest possible level of government so that each society can determine its level of acceptance and

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