
Essay on Constantine

Decent Essays


I was the first Roman emperor to declare Christianity as the official religion of Rome and its empire. I pioneered the concept of closely intertwining the state and religion. I provided compensation for Christians that had been previously persecuted. I am well known for my great success in battle. I flew the flag of Christ for all to see and never lost a battle under it no matter what the odds.
I was born in Naissus, between 274 and 288 A.D. as Flavious Valerius Constantinus. With my father as emperor, I left as a general to fight the Celts in the British Isles. I won many battles and became beloved among my troops.
When dad retired, I …show more content…

This peace lasted for around ten years until Licinius grew tired of Christians, began persecuting us once more. In response to this I assembled one hundred and twenty five-thousand infantry, ten thousand calvary, and around two hundred ships to bring to an end to this scum.
Licinius gathered one hundred and fifty thousand infantry, fifteen thousand calvary, and more than three hundred and fifty ships. We met at Adrianople on the third of July, 324 A.D. Well, what happened after that would best be described as a rout. Licinius’ forces fled the battlefield after fighting with my more disciplined troops. Once again though, Licinius managed to avoid capture or death.
Licinius retreated back to Byzantine where he heavily fortified the city to resist capture. He blockaded the port city with his ocean fleet. Our navies met but the battle was inconclusive, and my remaining ships retired to rest.
The next day, Licinius’ fleet gave chase, but was overtaken by a storm with considerable loss of life and ships. One hundred and thirty ships crewed by five thousand of Licinius’ men sank that day. With Licinius’ fleet out of the way I marched to Chrysopolis almost unchallenged and caught up to his main army. Once again with the help of the Lord, we

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