
Conservatism Research Paper

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Conservation: A Promise Towards Our Society
I believe that the conservatism ideology holds the most promise as a way to organize a society. After a closer examination, the ideology contains has a more meaningful insight than merely conserving the current structure and resisting change. Unlike the connotation of its name, conservatism accepts the idea of change but only if it occurs at a gradual and consistent pace. Society can progress through change that is gradual or fragmented but, not through an immediate revolution. For society, this principle would help advocate policies that produce peace and prosperity rather than violence and harm that come with revolution. Those feelings of love and morality will bind members of society together giving …show more content…

Conservatism creates an understanding that society is held together through a sense of history, shared experiences and common beliefs. Conservatism is an ideology that can help benefit society through its beliefs on education/restraint, structure and mutual responsibility in order to maintain an ordered culture.
From the conservative perspective, humans have natural basic drives which would consist of being flawed, driven by passions and greed (Conservatism Lecture). Humans have a nature that is both good and bad and because we are unable to change the flaws of our nature, social influences such as those from family, religion, and community help provide moral education towards restraining those basic drives. A communitarian would dispute that humans have a nature that is opposite to the conservatism belief. Communitarians believe that humans are born naturally compassionate, social-beings who are interdependent towards each …show more content…

Government which emphasizes order, structure, and tradition is seen as a necessary system to help maintain an ordered community. Conservatives regard an ordered community and common values as the highest good of society and that the structure which maintains it should be stable enough to let people know where they stand with regard to each other (Shivley pg.31). To an anarchist perspective, government should be decentralized where powers or people would be redistributed or dispersed away from a central location or authority. Society would be self-made with no top down authority or structure, and there would be equality in all contexts. Although, if society was to consider the anarchist perspective and level society to make everyone equal, then we would receive a mass culture that would be dumbed down (Conservatism Lecture). Those in society who have their own talents and demonstrate superior abilities would never be recognized, which is why the concept of equality is both inaccurate and undesirable. People are not equal in their abilities or value to society because everyone has their own talents. Those who are more able to contribute to the well-being of their community are deserving of greater roles but even they cannot be trusted to be given unlimited powers because like all humans they are flawed. In turn, they must also be

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