
‘Conservatism Merely Reflects the Interests of the Privileged and Prosperous.’ Discuss (45)

Decent Essays

‘Conservatism merely reflects the interests of the privileged and prosperous.’ Discuss (45)

This statement is asking whether all forms of conservatism’s values and actions in the past are because they wish to reflect the interests of those in society who are better off, sacrificing the interests of the less well off in doing so. The current debate is very unclear as opinion on this does, and always has varied greatly. Generally, left-wing labour supporters believe this statement is true whereas the rest of society do not agree. Conservatives have strenuously denied this claim over the years. This essay will argue that Conservatism does in fact merely reflect the interests of the privileged and prosperous, despite this claim being …show more content…

Their belief in tradition is also because they believe that it prevents chaos and oppression, which is created by revolution and reform as it moves people further and further apart.

However, Conservatism does merely reflect the interests of the privileged and prosperous, because tradition and authority in themselves harm the less privileged, and because the belief in these values is only because it prevents uprising, which would inevitably harm the privileged and prosperous. Burke’s belief that there is a natural hierarchy in society because people will work harder than others rather than because of birth, education or special privilege is a false claim at suggesting that everyone has equal chances. This is because this idea claims that birth, education and special privilege have no impact on where you lie in society. This is not true as people with more opportunities at work; a better education and special privilege inevitably give you a lot more opportunities to be higher up in the hierarchical system. Also, the main reason for Conservatives belief in Authority is that it allows people to know their roles in society, which inevitably prevents the less privileged from realising that they are being unfairly treated within society.

De Maistre, a critic of the French Revolution, argued that revolution and reform would weaken the chains that bind people together and lead to

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