
Consequences Of Parental Divorce For Child Development

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Economical: As divorce separates families, this situation can cause financial hardship on divorce families as each household transition from two incomes to one. This reduced income can place economic and financial struggles of single parents trying to support children. Separated parents are now each responsible for individual housing, utilities, and various other expenses. With divorce, there are high legal fees that result from the divorce proceedings and custody battles over children. These economical issues can place additional stress on the families and children.
Another potential impact of divorce on children can be seen through their development. The article, Consequences of Parental Divorce for Child Development, by H. Kim (2011) reviews the impact of divorce on children’s development. This study compares children before and after divorce to measure the implications towards development. This study found that children had setbacks in test scores, interpersonal skills, were more likely to internalize behaviour (Kim, 2011). This study did not find any external behaviour issues or reduced reading capability (Kim, 2011). This information demonstrates the divorce issues can impact their learning abilities, which is something crucial to everyday life. The developmental impacts can coincide with future learning abilities and academic achievement in some children dealing with parental divorce.
The impacts of divorce can also influence children’s

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