
Confucius Analects

Decent Essays

The Analects was written during the Warring States period; a time when a handful of small feudal states were fighting against each other, all wanting to be the one to unite China. This was a period of social and political turmoil. The Analects was written for government officials, Confucius’ followers, educated men in the country and others who wanted to learn about Confucius’ philosophy. Because the Analects is a collection of Confucius’ sayings, it is not written in any specific voice. Confucius, the man who is behind the teachings discussed in the Analects, was part of the educated elite class during the Warring States period; he was a political advisor and official and an extremely successful teacher who traveled throughout China to teach people his philosophy. The Analects was created to record …show more content…

The first passage (17.6) talks about ren, the highest virtue in Confucian belief. Confucius, the Master, defines ren as reverence, tolerance, trustworthiness, quickness and generosity. The person Confucius described in the passage that possess all these traits is known as Junzi, a “perfect” human being in the sense that they have a strong moral character. Confucius believes that all people have the capability to become a Junzi. He believes that all people are inherently good, therefore, have the capability for goodness, benevolence, empathy and humaneness.

The second passage (1.2) talks about the idea of filial piety—one’s respect for his father, elders and ancestors. In the passage Confucius says that once the “root” of filial piety is planted in one’s values, it will be reflected in his respect for his ruler and his country. This connects back to the concept of ren. Ren begins in the family in the form of filial piety. If one can be benevolent to his family, they can do the same to the people around him, to his country and to the

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